My publications, book reviews, and working papers are linked below. If you are interested in any works in progress, please feel free to reach out.
"The Supply and Demand of Marital Contracts: The Case of Same-Sex Marriage" (with Rachael Behr and Kacey Reeves West), 2023 in Public Choice.
"Bargaining over Beauty: The Economics of Renaissance Art Contracts" (with Ennio E. Piano), 2023 in the Journal of Law and Economics.
"Contracting Creativity" (with Ennio E. Piano), 2023 in the European Review of Economic History.
"Autocratic Family Policy," 2022 in Constitutional Political Economy.
Article: "Centrally Planning the Family" (Public Discourse)
"The Family and the State: A Public Choice Perspective", 2022 in Review of Austrian Economics.
Podcast: "Populations as Infrastructure" (Beneath the Surface)
"Does Marriage Protect Mental Health? Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic" (with Christos A. Makridis), 2021 in Social Science Quarterly.
Blog: "Marriage Protects Mental Health" (Institute for Family Studies Blog)
"In Persona Christi Capitis: Agency Problems When God is the Principal" (with Ennio E. Piano), 2021 in the Journal of Economics, Management, and Religion.
"Introduction to the Special Issue on the Economics of Religion" 2021 in Cosmos + Taxis.
"Substitutes or Complements? A Study of Welfare Services in Utah" (with Bobbi Herzberg), 2021 in Cosmos + Taxis.
"An Economic Theory of Economic Analysis: The Case of the School of Salamanca," 2019 in Public Choice.
Podcast: "Priests doing economic analysis? Clara Jace explains" (Faith & Economics)
Podcast: "Why did the School of Salamanca write economic analysis?" (Fe y Libertad)
Video: "The World's First Economists" (IDH Shorts)
"Creativity and Cleverness within Discipline in the Study of Man and the Study of Happiness" (with Peter J. Boettke), 2019 in Expositions.
"Review: Pope Francis and the Caring Society (ed. by Robert M. Whaples)," 2018 in Cosmos + Taxis.
Under review:
The Fertility Gap and Economic Freedom (with Lyman Stone)
The Effects of School Closures on Parental Mental Health: Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic (with Christos Makridis and Corey DeAngelis)
Property and Family: The Other Argument for Private Property
Three to Get Married? An Economic Theory of Religious Marriage (with Anna Claire Noblitt)
Works in progress:
The Fertility Gap and Childcare Regulation (with Anna Claire Flowers, Vincent Geloso, and Lyman Stone)
The Economics of the Medieval Marriage Contract